Invest in your own retirement

Cheryl Knowlton:             Hi everybody. Cheryl Knowlton with Dynamite Productions here with my favorite sidekick, Clay Johnson, from Castle and Cooke Mortgage. Clay, we’ve talked a lot about the fact that most real estate professionals and mortgage professionals don’t invest in their own retirement. Clay Johnson:                    No. Cheryl Knowlton:                 And so let’s do …

Ninja Road Warrior Tip of the Day: Take care of your voice

Hi, everybody, Cheryl Knowlton. Dynamite Productions coming at you with your Ninja Road Warrior Tip of the day. A couple of things–number one, your voice is your instrument. And if you’re a little bit sick, like I have been, or if you’ve been speaking a lot, many days in a row or for lengthy periods of time, you’ve got to …

Ninja Road Warrior Tip of the Day: Keep liquids in a baggy that seals

Keep liquids in sealed baggies Hi everybody, Cheryl Knowlton coming at you with your Ninja Road Warrior tip of the day. If you are going to be traveling with nail polish, specifically red nail polish, I’m going to highly recommend that you put it in a separate plastic baggy that seals. I had just purchased a brand new one, and …

Ninja Road Warrior Tip of the Day: Invest is an amazing PowerPoint

Hi, everybody. Cheryl Knowlton. Dynamite Productions coming at you with your Ninja Road Warrior tip of the day. The next few are going to be about tech because I’ve probably made all the mistakes in the book. Number one, invest in an amazing PowerPoint. I learned this at the National Speakers Association influence conference in Texas last year. You want …

Ninja Road Warrior Tip of the Day: Paper Planner part 2

Hi everybody. Cheryl Knowlton, Dynamite Productions coming at you with part two of what we talked about with the paper planner. I referred in my last video to a horrible situation two years ago when I booked myself in New Mexico on the 31st of the month, and I wasn’t going to be done speaking at their state convention until …

Ninja Road Warrior Tip of the Day: Paper Planners

Hi, everybody. Cheryl Knowlton, Dynamite Productions coming at you with your Ninja Road Warrior tip of the day. Even if you’re not traveling to speak, one mistake I made very early in my career was not using a paper planner. People laugh at me and they can laugh all day long. I don’t care. Because I actually had that happen …

Ninja Road Warrior Tip of the Day: Verify Dates

Hi everybody, Cheryl Knowlton, Dynamite Productions coming at you with your Ninja Road Warrior Tip of the Day. Okay, make sure that you verify the date on your contract and that you put that date into a planner, but you’ve got to make absolutely certain that you’ve got the right date, right time, right location and for me, that required …

Ninja Road Warrior Tip of the Day: Watch what you eat

Hi, everybody. Cheryl Knowlton coming at you from Dynamite Productions with your Ninja Road Warrior tip of the day. When you are traveling to speak, I’m just going to encourage you to watch what you eat. You are not on vacation. You are working. Be careful that you don’t eat anything, try anything new that you potentially could have an …