Ninja Road Warrior Tip of the Day: Watch what you eat

Hi, everybody. Cheryl Knowlton coming at you from Dynamite Productions with your Ninja Road Warrior tip of the day. When you are traveling to speak, I’m just going to encourage you to watch what you eat. You are not on vacation. You are working. Be careful that you don’t eat anything, try anything new that you potentially could have an allergic reaction to or that is not going to make you feel well. You are hired to be your most amazing dazzling self. You need to show up as that person.

Additionally, you need to pay very close attention to your own body and what you need to do and what you need to eat and fuel yourself with before you take the stage. For me, it’s a protein shake and maybe some fruit, very little else. That’s what works for me. Figure out what works for you so you can be good to go.