A goal is not a goal unless it has certain elements.  In this podcast, there is an additional element.

Burn the Hamster Wheel: Put on your own oxygen mask first

Hi everybody. Cheryl Knowlton coming at you with your Dynamite tip of the day. So how many of you have actually been on an airplane. If we did it by show of hands, probably most of you have been on an airplane. Whether it was a long time ago or more recently, you know that before the plane even takes …

Branding Workshops: How the World Sees You

Hi everybody, Cheryl Knowlton coming at you with some truly, truly dynamite news. A number of years ago when I went to the National Association of Realtors annual convention I met a woman who totally changed my life. Her name is Sally Hogshead, and you’ve heard me talk about her book, Fascinate, and her book How The World Sees You. …

Education bring confidence

Hi, everybody. Cheryl Knowlton coming at you with your Dynamite Tip of the Day, and this is video number three in the segment on what do we need to do as real estate professionals to set ourselves apart? Some of you have heard me share this story when I have taught all-day two-day classes, and that is this: When I …

Keep your message short and succinct and to the point

Fresh New Ideas Hi, everybody, Cheryl Knowlton coming at you with your dynamite tip of the day. So, part two of my series on what is a real estate agent’s biggest challenge today. Education, I went to an international business conference for a major brand a couple of years ago and they interviewed the rookie of the year for the …

From Burn the Hamster Wheel: Put on your own oxygen mask first

Before our plane takes off the attendants give safety instructions.  One that really got me thinking recently is the idea that we need to put on our own oxygen mask first before we help anyone else, including a child.  This applies to other areas of our lives.

How to articulate your own value

Hi, everybody. Cheryl Knowlton coming at you with your Dynamite tip of the day. This is a conversation that comes up frequently in courses that I teach. It comes up several times with several of my favorite real estate attorneys throughout the country. What is the biggest challenge that real estate agents are faced with today? I put this out …

What do Watermelon butts and Snow White have in common?

Hi everybody. Cheryl Knowlton, coming at you with your Dynamite thought for the day. Okay, so last week, something happened to me that was a major paradigm shift, and I wanted to share it with you. As many of you know, I am participating in the Heroic Public Speaking course, which requires me to go back to New Jersey, to …