How to articulate your own value

Hi, everybody. Cheryl Knowlton coming at you with your Dynamite tip of the day. This is a conversation that comes up frequently in courses that I teach. It comes up several times with several of my favorite real estate attorneys throughout the country. What is the biggest challenge that real estate agents are faced with today? I put this out on my Facebook page. It started quite a conversation, so I’m actually going to do a series of posts on this, this one being the first.

One of the biggest problems I see

Here is my opinion on this. One of the biggest problems that real estate professionals face today is the inability to articulate their own value.  First of all, they don’t know their own personality style.  They don’t know their unique talents and abilities and skills that they bring to the table. Real estate professionals get lost in a sea of very highly competitive ridiculous models and different things. They just feel this seismic shift going on in the real estate industry. They’re afraid of it. Not enough is known about their own value, the experience, and uniquenesses that they bring to the table to be able to communicate their value to their clients.

We don’t know how to sell ourselves

That would be challenge number one. Challenge number two is that the public cannot distinguish between real estate professionals, because we don’t know how to sell ourselves. Real estate professionals also have the same challenges. They cannot differentiate between this brokerage, brokerage A, and brokerage B, and brokerage C over here, and especially new agents get caught in the trap of thinking that a brokerage with a 100% model, they’re going to keep more of their own money and that that’s going to be a good fit for them.

I once heard one of my favorite mentors in all of real estate, Will Cooper, say, “Your first year in real estate should be about getting as much education as you possibly can,” and we’re going to talk about that in the next video. Education is the key to building the confidence and the competence that you need to start to be able to distinguish your own value as a real estate professional.