Habits part 2

We have so many subconscious habits.  Once you do the opposite enough times it becomes easier. We can get past the discomfort.


Hi everybody Cheryl Molten coming at you with your dynamite tip of the day, and today we are going to be talking about goals. Specifically smart goals. You’ve probably heard that before, but let’s drill down just a little bit and talk about what a smart goal is. I’m actually going to introduce you to a new concept which is …


Clay Johnson with Castle & Cooke Mortgage and Cheryl Knowlton talks about Habits.  Clay recites Habits poem.

Invest in yourself and you will be rich

Hi everybody. Cheryl Knowlton coming at you with your Dynamite Tip of the Day. Here it is, and this is something I get very, very passionate about so forgive me if I step onto my soapbox for just a second. I absolutely adore my hairdresser. I also absolutely adore my massage therapist, and if you look at both my hairdresser …

A monument of real life

Hey everybody, Cheryl Knowlton coming at you with a slightly different dynamite tip of the day. This one is very, very personal, I promise you at some point during this short but sweet video, I will cry. Back in 1995, if you can get in a time machine and go back with me that far, in preparation for the very …

Done is Better Than Perfect

It is better to just get in there and do something or show something than wait for it to be perfect because it will never be perfect.

The 5 second rule

Stop Screwing Yourself Over | Mel Robins In that Ted Talk she adds: the 5-second rule | You are never going to feel like it.  We will always find something else to do.  Stop waiting for that moment.

It is what it is in the state that it is

It is what it is in the state that it is.  Are we that way with our business?  We cannot get where we want to go unless we know where we are.  

The Worst Boss

Have you ever had a boss that you disliked or was ineffective?  Are you that kind of boss?  Do you suck at being your own boss?  

The Fascination Advantage Report

From the book by Sally Hogshead’s book How the World Sees You.  This is the best way to see where your strengths are, not as the world wants you to be, but as you truly are.  Reach out to me on my website www.cherylknows.com to learn how you can get this report.