Before you panic get the facts

There are times when we think we have an accurate picture of things only to later find out that we just didn’t have all the facts.

Customer Service that is magical

Hi, Everybody, Cheryl Knowlton coming at you with your dynamite idea for the day.  Part of building a recession proof business is delivering that absolutely phenomenal, dazzling, customer service experience.  Not average, not meh, but something that is truly memorable. A couple of weeks ago, I had a dazzling customer service experience.  I am so excited to tell you about …

Don’t forget to take care of yourself

We often put our work before ourselves and our families.  When we get a phone call from a potential client we pop up and take care of business.  Make a schedule and keep to it.  If you  have your family on the schedule, they stay on the schedule.

Best Advice in 20 Years

The idea came from someone I met very early in my career. His advice to me was to surround myself with people who make me look great. Why is this so important?

Are You Willing to Invest In Yourself?

How many of you as professionals actually take the time and money to invest in your business? How often do you take additional classes, put the time and effort into promoting yourself, or study?

Time Management Magic book review

Hi everybody, Cheryl Knowlton coming at you with the Dynamite Book of the Week. So, this week’s Book of the Week is called, Time Management Magic from my friend, Lee Cockerell. He is the former Executive Vice President of Walt Disney World. Of course, I’m a gigantic fan of his. He’s actually written several books, but this is the one …

Listen With Your Eyes

Hi, Everybody, Cheryl Knowlton, coming at you with this week’s book of the week.  This week’s favorite book is called Attention Pays by Need James. I adore her and I absolutely love her book. Listen to me One of the things that I love the most about her book was a story she shares about her nephew.  She was trying …


Hi, everybody, Cheryl Knowlton coming at you with a very, very important piece today.  It’s about habit. I love this poem and would love to share it with you.  I can’t take credit for it. The Habit Poem I am your constant companion. I am your greatest helper or heaviest burden. I will push you onward or drag you down …