Time Management Magic book review

Hi everybody, Cheryl Knowlton coming at you with the Dynamite Book of the Week. So, this week’s Book of the Week is called, Time Management Magic from my friend, Lee Cockerell. He is the former Executive Vice President of Walt Disney World. Of course, I’m a gigantic fan of his. He’s actually written several books, but this is the one that I have read most recently.  Let’s get real here, most of us have tremendous struggles with time management.  We struggle with figuring out what to do and making time for it in our schedule.

Early bird gets the worm

Lee said something in his book that I thought was really fun, really funny and really true. He said, “the early bird gets the worm, the late bird gets the dirt.” I thought that was hysterical and really true. He talked about being the first patient when you go see the doctor in the morning. That’s the only appointment that doctor’s going to be on time for the entire day. You know that’s true.

Get on the first flight you possibly can during the day because as things happen later in the day, Planes break down. They get stuck in Phoenix. They get stuck in Denver, and then you’re late and everything is a hot mess. You wind up being unhappy and sad. You finally get to your destination and you’re tired and completely worn out and grumpy. Not good.

ASAP is not a deadline

So be the early bird who catches the worm. “ASAP is not a deadline.” Working with deadlines is so important, and a goal not written down is merely a wish. And if you don’t have a deadline associated with your goals, they are nowhere near as powerful as they could be. So when you write down, when you create your goals, write them down, attach a deadline.

I am going to have $50,000 in savings by April 1st.

Whatever it is, there’s so much power to our goals when we put a deadline behind it. Those are just a couple of the take-aways that I had from Lee Cockerell’s amazing book, Time Management Magic. It’s short. It’s sweet. It is available in Audible so that you can listen to it. I hope that you enjoy it.

I hope you take some of those ideas and create explosive growth for yourself in your business.