Best Advice I Received in 20 years

Hi, everybody. Cheryl Knowlton, coming at you with your dynamite idea for the day, and this is actually a dynamite idea for a lifetime. This June, I am coming up on my 20th anniversary of my entry into the real estate business. Fortunately for me, at the very, very beginning of my career, I met an individual who gave me …

Multiple Offers and when to disclose

• Standard of Practice 1-15
REALTORS® in response to inquiries from buyers or cooperating brokers shall, with the sellers’
approval, disclose the existence of offers on the property. Where disclosure is authorized,
REALTORS® shall also disclose, if asked, whether offers were obtained by the listing licensee,
another licensee in the listing firm, or by a cooperating broker. (Adopted 1/03, Amended 1/09)

Don’t Compare your self with others

We are all in different places in life. Different stages, different problems, different strengths.  Then why compare when things are different.

What you know may not really be true

Hi, everybody. Cheryl Knowlton coming at you with your dynamite idea for the day. My idea for you today is this: Have you ever gone into a situation thinking that you knew exactly what was going on when, in fact, you did not have it right at all? That actually happened to me when I was really little. I was …

Before you panic get the facts

There are times when we think we have an accurate picture of things only to later find out that we just didn’t have all the facts.

Customer Service that is magical

Hi, Everybody, Cheryl Knowlton coming at you with your dynamite idea for the day.  Part of building a recession proof business is delivering that absolutely phenomenal, dazzling, customer service experience.  Not average, not meh, but something that is truly memorable. A couple of weeks ago, I had a dazzling customer service experience.  I am so excited to tell you about …

Don’t forget to take care of yourself

We often put our work before ourselves and our families.  When we get a phone call from a potential client we pop up and take care of business.  Make a schedule and keep to it.  If you  have your family on the schedule, they stay on the schedule.

Safety Tips: What safety measures you use depends on you.

Hi, Everybody, Cheryl Knowlton, coming at you with your safety tip of the day. Get safety tips from NAR NAR 2018 Member Safety Report Okay, so what I want you to do, especially if you are a broker, if you work for an association, or an MLS, or any real estate entity that could help pass along this information, and …

Best Advice in 20 Years

The idea came from someone I met very early in my career. His advice to me was to surround myself with people who make me look great. Why is this so important?