What systems do you have to stay on track?

Hi everybody Cheryl Knowlton coming at you with your dynamite idea of the day.  Today I’m going to tell you a tale of two jobs. At one job I was asked to do specific things. They had protocols for the way I was to report that I had done those things. I had to have that worked checked off and verified. It was then edited, in the event that it needed to be edited, tweaked or changed in any way before it was given to the agents.

The protocols kept changing

Those protocols kept changing and week after week after week the things that I was working so hard on to get done were not being checked off. As a result, things were never making their way into the hands of agents where they could be used. Ultimately, my bosses were frustrated.  They didn’t think I was doing anything.

Contrast that with my next opportunity. They had so many systems put into place.  In other posts you’ve read about the things that I have done in my professional career that I have been the proudest of.  One resulted in my getting a particular bracelet for doing something that had never been done in the history of real estate ever before. And this one for starting my own business.

When I think about the things that I have done in my career of which I have been the proudest it is when there were systems in place to keep me focused, on track, accountable. I would invite you to look at the things that you have in your business. You are your own boss if you are a real estate professional. Some of you frankly need to fire your boss.

Some of us should fire our boss

We’re not very good at managing ourselves and our time in real estate. Which is why so many real estate professionals are not successful. What do you need to be doing differently to create a situation more like my second job? This is where I was so successful because I had systems in place. I had systems in place to report to one person who kept me accountable.

Accountability is so essential in real estate. And if you need to hire a coach, if you’re broker’s not doing that for you, I’d love to talk to you about that. But that’s a conversation for another day. You need an accountability partner or somebody who’s going to help you stay on track.  This is to help you stay on track with setting your goals, meeting your goals, tweaking the things that aren’t working, improving and helping you celebrate when you do things right.

Systems make it so much easier for us to stay focused. When we’re focused, we get so much more done. I hope that you’re able to take some of these ideas. I’d love for you to comment and share on things that you’ve done to help keep yourself focused. Systems that work for you. Things that you utilize in your business to help keep you accountable so that we can create a list and together and come up with some awesome ideas to help keep ourselves on the path to success.