Surround Yourself With People Who Make You Look Good

This piece of advice has never failed me

When I was brand new in this industry in 1999 I was ever given some great advice.  It was from a very good friend of mine by the name of Chuck Miller.  Chuck looked me right in the eye and said, “You need to surround yourself with people who are going to make you look great.”

That piece of advice has never ever failed me in my entire career.  A lot of people look at all the things I have accomplished. They think I’m accomplishing.  Really, I owe a tremendous credit and an unbelievable debt of gratitude to my entire team. They make me look fabulous.

Surround yourself with people who make you look great. This means you’re going to have to let go of control.  You’re going to need to hire people.  Start, potentially, with an assistant.  She can help take some of the load off your plate.  You cannot do everything.  Believe it or not, you can’t do everything as well as you think you can.

I didn’t have a clue what I was doing

Take, for me, my graphic design.  I thought I was really good at putting together Power Point presentations.  I have an iStock photos account. I am able to pick the great photos. I can create that emotion I want with that slide.  I know how to do it.   I was doing all of my own slide decks. Then, I attended a course at the National Speakers Association Conference about the Power of Power Point.  I thought, “I don’t have a clue what I’m doing.  I am not making everything with bells and whistles and sing and fabulous!”

So, I hired someone amazing, an incredible graphics designer. He took over that entire piece of my business.  Not only does he do it so much better than I do, he’s taken an important piece off my plate.  I don’t have to worry about that anymore because I know truly he’s doing it better than I am.

So my advice for you is to delegate everything you possibly can. Make a list of things that only truly you can do. Make a list of things that you could delegate and start hiring people.  Think of it, you’re going to be responsible for job creation.  It’s an amazing. It’s a wonderful feeling.  Surround yourself with people who are going to make you look great. You will get so much more done. You’ll have so much less stress.