Ninja Road Warrior Tip of the Day: fly in the day before

Hi everybody, Cheryl Knowlton with Dynamite Productions coming at you with your Ninja road warrior tip of the day. Actually, this one, even though it’s only a 62nd video, I’m going to try and give you a couple. Number one, always fly in the day before 5:00 PM local time. That way, you’ll be able to get to your hotel, have some dinner, check-in, get to bed at a decent hour, and make sure that you set multiple alarms so that you are good to go and ready to rock and roll the next day.

Next, absolutely no sightseeing until after you are completely done speaking. If you are speaking for two days, I do not allow myself to watch any television, and I do not allow myself to do any sightseeing. If the liberty bell is literally across the street, I will not go look at it until I am done and I have concluded and rocked it and done everything that I was hired to do.