Know where you are so that you can know where you are going

Hi everybody, Cheryl Knowlton. Coming at you with your dynamite tip of the day. So I was getting ready to go to Hawaii for the very first time with my husband last summer, and I walked into my blow dry bar with the intent to purchase a whole line of products that I could use to keep my hair curly in Hawaii. Because I knew I’m just not even going to fight it. So the head of the salon walks up to my hair, and he pulls out a strand of it, looks at it, and he says to me well it is what it is in the state that it’s in.

I had a really hard time keeping a straight face, I thought what an amazing metaphor for every aspect of where’s my weight, where’s my income, where’s the state of my savings account? My investment accounts, it is what it is in the state that it’s in.

The hardest thing sometimes is to stop long enough and take a good, hard look at where things are and to assess where we are so we can figure out where we want to be. Even Siri, Google Maps, Apple Maps cannot figure out how to get you where you want to go if those maps cannot establish where you are. We have to have a pinpoint on the map to figure out where you are so that we can figure out how we’re going to get you to where you want to be. So just a thought for the day, carve out some time for yourself so that you can assess where you are in all of the aspects of your life.

With your health, with your finances, with your relationships, with your business. Where are you now and where do you want to be? Because yes it what it is in the state that it’s in, but we know that we can do better and we want to do better. The pain and the discomfort come from knowing we can do better. Figure out where you’re at so that you can get exactly where you want to go.