Don’t Compare Yourself to Anyone Else

Hi, everybody. Cheryl Knowlton coming at you with your Dynamite Tip of the Day. This one is short and sweet. As you are looking at your journey on your career, you cannot compare it to anyone else’s, least of all mine. I have people tell me all the time, who have young children still at home, “I’m so jealous of all the time you get to spend at Disneyland, or I’m so jealous that you get to travel all over the country, and speak everywhere.” That is because of where I am in my life. My youngest child is going to be 21 years old on her next birthday. She is married, has a daughter, herself. I have no dependent children living at home. Stop comparing your life to anybody else’s.

Comparison really, truly is the thief of joy. Invest your time and your energy, and your efforts in the people that you love, doing what you love, and the time will come, faster than you might ever imagine possible, that all those cute little babies are going to leave the nest. Don’t compare your journey to anybody else’s, and don’t compare your career, and the number of closing that you had last year, or that you’ve had so far this year with anybody else in the office. Your journey is just that, it is your journey. Don’t ever forget that. Enjoy the journey, and we’ll see you next time.