Get All the Facts Before You Panic

Hi everybody, Cheryl Knowlton coming at you with today’s Dynamite tip of the day and this is a bit of a confession. Okay, so I flew from the Salt Lake International Airport to the Atlanta airport and I rented a car for the purpose of driving to Montgomery, Alabama to teach an instructor development workshop. And I was to meet the head of the Real Estate Commission in Alabama at the Commission Office that day. We set a time and they close at a specific time and I thought, “How in the world am I going to make this happen? ”

How am I going to drive an hour and a half in 30 minutes?

So I fly in there, I get my rental car and I see that I’m supposed to be there in 30 minutes. I’m like, “It says that it’s going to take me an hour and a half to get there, but that I’m going to be there in 30 minutes. How is this possible?” And I’m sitting here thinking, “Okay, I realize that I am a graduate of California Public Schools and I also realize that some days the blonde goes to the roots and some days when we have a time change or I’m all over the country, like doing an eight-state tour in 12 days like I did last month, my brain, it takes a couple of days to catch up. And I’m not thinking clearly.”

And I’m sitting here thinking, “How am I going to drive an hour and a half in 30 minutes? This just doesn’t make any sense to me. My phone must be having a moment and it’s just freaking out and it’s just doing something weird.” It didn’t occur to me that I did not see the accurate picture. What I did not realize was going to happen was what I left Georgia and I drove into Alabama, I was going to experience a time change. Look at that. I was going to go back in time an hour which was how I was going to make a 90-minute drive in 30 minutes.

What is it that I am not seeing?

So just a reminder, sometimes we think we see the accurate picture of what’s going on, when in fact we don’t. And sometimes we don’t know what we don’t know. So we need to just take a step back and not be afraid to ask for help when we get to those moments and say, “What is it that I’m not seeing?” I love that about my coach. I said that to him earlier today when we talked. I said, “All right give it to me straight,” as I explained to him what I needed his help with.

We sometimes need to do that and we need to ask for the feedback of those we know, love us and have our best interest at heart. Hopefully, that person for you is your broker or a coach that you have in your life, a significant other where you can just say, “What is it that I’m not seeing here? This doesn’t make any sense to me.” Don’t be afraid to ask. And that, my friends, is your Dynamite idea for the day.