Race Day Lesson Tips for your Real Estate Business Part 1

Hi, everybody, Cheryl Knowlton, coming at you with a little bit more of a personal metaphoric message for you today. Those of you know me know that I really don’t consider myself to be a runner.  But after being super inspired by my two oldest daughters, when they did their first half marathon in 2012, I thought “I love this energy!” I want this.

So, I trained for and ran my very first half marathon at the age of 45 and that was five years ago. If you can believe that almost six years ago crazy craziness. I’m about ready to run my 13th half marathon. I thought, I’ll do one. Then, I got this super, super, hooked on it and now I love them, even though I’m so, really not a runner.

I’ve learned some very valuable lessons as I have run these. I have put together a list that I’d actually like to share with you.

This is your race.  Only you can run it.

Number one, this is your race. Do not compare its or your race to anybody else. You can’t have anybody else run it for you. You think about your life. When you think about your business. Nobody can run your race for you. You have to do that yourself. So that is principal number one.

Pay the price

Principle number two is pay the price. You either pay the price by training ahead of time and consistently getting in your workouts every single day. Which, in the real estate world means pay the price by getting up one time. Handling your work. Making sure that your prospecting absolutely, every day. Building your business. Reaching your sphere. Doing your 33 touches every single minute of every day, that you possibly can. Scheduling that and handling that because if you don’t you pay the price at the end.

When I am training for a run, there are races that I have trained and trained and trained phenomenally and have done a great job.  I wasn’t sore in the end. My favorite run if, I trained.  Ran the race. Got in a car drove two and half hours from Moab to the Salt Lake Airport.  Flew to Dallas Texas all night long and got up and spoke all day from 9 to 5 and then danced for 3 hours after that.  I was not sore at all.

So, ya, number two, pay the price and get your work.  Get your prospecting in Get your training in early.

Invest in your business

Ok, the last one I’m going to share with you right now and then another segment I’ll give you three more.  Buy the most expensive pair of shoes you can afford. Mile 11 is not the time to celebrate that you saved a few bucks on shoes.  The same goes with headphones. I’ve actually had a pair of headphones die on me at mile six. Then that for the last of my half marathon I had Dory from Finding Nemo saying “Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming” running in my head. I thought I was gonna lose my ever-living mind and have to be institutionalized. It was not pretty.

The same thing goes for all of the tools involved with your business. Invests in the very best tools you can afford without going into debt. That creates different problems in different stresses if you are in debt. So, stay away from debt. But as you invest in your business and make more money continually, we invest in those tools that are going to look grate and be more successful. That’s all for this time. Stay tuned for my next three tips on my top 12 lessons learned from running half marathons.