Team Building: What works, what doesn’t work

Clay Johnson:

Hi guys, Clay Johnson and Cheryl Knowlton here. I wanted to talk to you to follow up on our last thing because we led into it and it’s been fun talking about this because we realize things that we’re doing that have been successful for us, what’s worked, what hasn’t worked. And part of it is team building, making sure we have the right members on the team.

Cheryl Knowlton:


Clay Johnson:

And so, one of those things, when you’re filling in in different roles, will require different personalities. And so, I know you’ve been really big on utilizing some different personality tests. Tell us a little bit about those.

Cheryl Knowlton:

Oh my goodness. I could do multiple episodes on personality tests and I have done other episodes on that but just for the purposes of this episode one that I don’t think I’ve talked about before teaching the certified residential team specialist course. I  introduced a year ago when I taught it the first time to a specific DISC test. Most of us have heard of DISC, D-I-S-C and if you haven’t we’ll put a link in the comments below. But there was one specifically that you could pay a little bit extra for that was specifically geared toward leadership and as the instructor for that course, I thought, “I want to take this course. I’m instructing team leaders, future brokers, I want to take this one.” Absolutely fascinating. We think we know a lot about ourselves and we think we know a lot about our strengths but sometimes we’ll take one of these tests that will blow our minds, awaken us to a whole new side of ourselves that we didn’t realize. We’re like, “What.” So yeah.

Clay Johnson:

And then sometimes you don’t even realize it to the point where you’re like, “I don’t know the people around here but oh yeah that’s so you.”

Cheryl Knowlton:


Clay Johnson:

As so we’ve realized that different personalities some are going to be really good for sales and then others sometimes salespeople aren’t the best dot the I, cross the T. And so, if you need that real tactical precision type person then that’s going to be a different personality than the person who’s just going to be out in front and doing the sales a lot of times.

Cheryl Knowlton:

Absolutely. That’d be a great transaction coordinator on a real estate team for example as opposed to the one who’s going out there, catching the fish, bringing it back to the team.

Clay Johnson:

That’s exactly right. All important parts of the team and having that team building. So utilize those if you haven’t, guys, because there’s some great opportunity there to make sure you get that right team member who likes us is going to be with you for the long haul.

Cheryl Knowlton:


Clay Johnson:

Thanks so much and we’ll see you guys next time.

Cheryl Knowlton:

Bye. Bye.