Personality types

My Enneagram number says I am an achiever

Hi everybody, Cheryl Knowlton, CEO of Dynamite Productions coming at you with your dynamite tip of the day. Too often I think as a woman, as a professional woman, as CEO, as a mom boss, I felt highly complimented, especially given my personality style and my Enneagram number being a three, hardcore three, which for those of you who don’t speak Enneagram, that means that I derive my sense of self from accomplishing, I am the achiever.

Too often when people would tell me, especially when I was a mom of young kids, “You are wonder woman, I don’t know how you do it all.” I would beam with pride and glow from within and be so excited and so happy that somebody was recognizing that I get so much more done than the average person.

You can do it all, but not at the same time

Here’s the thing, regardless of your personality type and your Enneagram number and how you see the world and how you see yourself, yes, you can have it all, but not at the same time. People look at my life right now where I have raised all of my babies, they are all married, almost all of them have children of their own. I am in a totally different stage of life than many of my friends, many students who take my classes and they think “I want to do what you do someday.” There’s the operative word. Someday.

You cannot have it all right this second. So enjoy the stage that you’re in. If you have babies at home, read my monuments palm, I’ll try and put a link to it to this video so that you can reread that, feel free to frame it, and take the time to enjoy your cute little people while they’re young, because they’re not going to be young forever. And yes, you can have it all, maybe just not today. There’s your dynamite tip of the day.